3 tips on productive coffee breaks

Statutory, necessary, and socially welding. Coffee breaks fill many needs in the workplace when used properly. But what do we need to know about the coffee break?

I n Finland, a statutory “coffee break” is 12.5 minutes long. Although we usually go for a quarter, or 20 minutes, if there’s a cake. Most companies today have adopted a freedom under responsibility model which means that when one can take a small detour from their work. When it comes to breaks, there are many different variations. As long as the break works in line with the company’s policy or work culture, it usually works pretty well.

Although breaks are necessary, they can also be a time-thief for the company. Especially if they are utilized. Coffee breaks can, in the worst case, mean lost working time and less productivity. In the end, it has a direct impact on daily net profit.

Let’s say we have a team of 10 people, all of whom go for a coffee break at 9 am. The break progresses in the usual order until just before the end. Then a lagger slides in, late about pages. We can call him Bob. Bob has had a job and worked in the field and therefore arrives a little later. Bob is a social person and would prefer not to sit alone. He possesses the gift of speech, so he entertains the group with everything from a dose of complaints to fun anecdotes, everything from log dancing to caravans. The spicy social context allows the break to extend over time, with another 15 minutes in addition to regular time.

In the coffee breaks, there are several social arguments that the course of events here is acceptable. In principle, Bob has his back free and responsibility falls on the group, who in turn should have returned to work after the completion of time. At the end of the day, we see that we have a common balance of -2.5 hours of efficient working time. How could it be so?

Do this instead – 3 tips

  1. Everyone should join. Foreman, leader, or persons in a responsible position – happy to take part in breaks and social contexts. It strengthens the community and you can access valuable information and new ideas. A joint break strengthens the community and helps to get to know everyone.
  2. Schedule your breaks.It creates a rhythm that helps you both relax and get the job done. Scheduling breaks can also be an effective way to avoid stress. Your tasks affect when you take breaks. You can have breaks at a certain time – or take them in conjunction with moving from one task to another.
  3. Turn off the outside world. During the break, it can be nice to shield yourself from interruptions, whether it is the e-mail that rings or the phone rings. Depending on the nature of the work and the employees performing it, the break needs to look different. Some may prefer peace, while others may want to talk. Another might prefer exercise and fresh air.